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영국 워킹홀리데이/나를 위한 영어공부

Oxford House College Review_01

by Brand1st 2021. 12. 3.

Bizzare - unconventional, weird / 기이한, 특이한

Pull in - attract / 끌어들이다

Draw in - attract / 끌어들이다

ex) On one ocassion, for example, the presenters' bizarre search for the source of the Nile pulled in millions of viewers, and a race between a supercar and a bullet train was another huge hit.


Transmit / 1. 전송, 송신, 방송하다 2. 전염시키다(=transfer) 3. (열, 전기, 소리 등을) 전도하다.


Resurrect / 부활시키다

Revitalise / 부활시키다

ex) Whoever could have imagined that Come Dancing, an old-fashioned dance competition popular in the 1960s, would be resurrected as Strictly Come Dancing in the UK and Dancing With the Stars in over forty-five countries who have brought the format?


Alienate / (사람을) 소원하게, 멀어지게 만들다

ex) There was a real risk of alienating fans of the much-loved classic tales.


Multi-Word verbs(Phrasal verbs)


Bring out - introduce (a product) or make something available

ex) The company has just brought out an electric version of the 408.

Bring out - emphasise, or make something easier to notice

ex) It brings out the colour of your eyes.


Put up with - tolerate

ex) The rain is making it difficult to flim but we'll have to put up with it for a few more days.

Put sby up - let someone stay in your home for a short time

ex) I've lost the key to my flat. Could you put me up for the night?


Come across - meet by chance

ex) We've just come across a herd of elephants on our way through the jungle.

Come across as - seem to have particular qualities / ~라는 인상을 주다

ex) He comes across as a helpful member of the public.


Take sby back - make somebody remember

ex) It takes me back to my teenage days!

Take back - accept you were wrong to say something

ex) I take back everything I've said about electric models.


Turn out - go to watch or be involved in an event

ex) Over five hundred turned out to cheer the runners to the finish.

Turn out - happen in the end

ex) It turns out that he's the mastermind(=genius) be hind the crimes.


Take on - hire

ex) The company took on ten school-leavers last month.

Take on - compete against

ex) After Brazil won the semi-finals, they took on the favourites, Spain.


Turn down - say no

ex) Why did they turn Neil down for the job?

Turn down - lower the level

ex) Could you turn the cooker down - the sauce in the pan is going to burn.


Pull out - end one's involvement, or quit

ex) Both countries have pulled out of the talks, so there won't be any agreement.

Pull out - drive onto a road from another road

ex) He pulled out without looking and hit another car.


Put off - make sby dislike sth

ex) Stop talking about your illnesses. You're putting me off my food.

Put off - postpone

ex) Anna keeps putting off the meeting. I don't think we'll ever get a chance to discuss things.


Bring up - raise

ex) Did your parents bring you up as a Buddhist?

Bring up - start to talk about

ex) Oh, here's Edith now. Just don't bring up anything about her divorce.


Break down - fail or end unsuccessfully

ex) Negotiations between the two corporations have broken down, but they may restart next month.

Break down - stop working, usually for a machine

ex) My car's in the garage. It broke down on the way to work today.


