Theme : Body Idioms
Teacher : Alexander Ames
Date : Sat, 210911, 16:00 Kor
1. Keep one's head above water - to earn just enough to survive(pay your bills, rent etc.) / 그럭저럭 버티다, 근근히 살아가다 > 바닷가에서 얼굴만 둥둥 떠있는 모습을 생각하면 의미를 기억하기 쉬울 듯 싶다.
ex) I had to take on an extra job just to keep my head above water.
2. Look down one's nose at somebody - to not respect someone, to think someone is below / beneath you / ~를 깔보다, 경멸하다, 천시하다 > 우리나라 말에도 비슷한 표현이 있어서 쉽게 유추할 수 있는 표현.
ex) They always looked down their noses at the families who had one car.
3. Have time on one's hands - to have free time / 여유 시간이 있다 > 직관적인 표현이라 Idiom이 맞나 싶다.
ex) My summer holiday is sex week long so I have a lot of time on my hands.
4. Have two left feet - to have no natural coordination with your feet, usuall related to dancing / 춤이 서투르다, 몸치다 > 재밌는 표현이다. 왼발이 두개라서 몸이 삐걱 거리는 그림을 상상해보자.
ex) Gary really wanted to learn how to tango but he had two left feet so it was never going to happen.
5. Need a shoulder to cry on - to need somebody to listen to your problems / 기대다, 의지하다 > 이전 포스트에서도 한번 적었었는데, 누군가에게 기대어 우는 것을 이런식으로 표현한다.
ex) Nigel has been having a hard time at work, I really think he needs a shoulder to cry on.
6. Lend / Need a hand - to offer to help somebody / 일손을 빌리다, 필요로하다, 도와주다 > 우리나라 말에도 있는 표현.
ex) Do you need a hand there? You seem to be struggling with those heavy bags, Gary.
7. Make one's blood boil - to make you super angry / ~를 화나게하다, 빡치게 하다 > '피가 끓는다'는 표현은 우리나라 말에선 좀 다르긴 하지만 '피를 꺼꾸로 솟게 하다'같은 표현이 비슷한 표현이 아닐까 싶다.
ex) My new boss is being really unfair with the overtime, it makes my blood boil.
8. Get out of hand - to lose control of a situation / 감당할 수 없다, 통제할 수 없다 > 영어에서 영향을 받은 표현인지 모르겠지만, 역시 우리나라 말에도 비슷한 표현이 있다.
ex) The situation with the forest fires is really getting out of hand.
9. Have eyes that are bigger than your stomach - you order or make more food than you can actually eat / 식탐이 많다 > 딱 우리나라 말로 깔끔하게 설명하긴 어렵지만, 배고플 때 음식을 잔뜩 주문하고 막상 다 먹지 못할 때 사용하는 표현.
ex) There is no way that you can eat three burgers, your eyes are bigger than your stomach, do you know that?
10. Put one's foot in it - to mention the wrong topic or to say the wrong thing / 실언하다, 말실수 하다 > 이 표현에서 it이 wrong topic을 의미하는 관용적 표현인 것 같다. '잘못된 주제에 발을 들이다'정도로 이해하면 될 듯.
ex) I really put my foot in it, I asked if Nigel was his father but it's his brother!
11. Have butterflies in your stomach - to get really nervous about something, usually in the near future / 걱정하다, 마음이 편치않다, 떨리다 > 긴장하면 배에 약간 통증이 있거나 경련이 있는 느낌이 다들 있어봤을 것이다, 이런 상황을 '위 안에 나비가 있다'라는 표현을 쓴다고 한다.
ex) The first time I had to give a presentation at work, I had butterflies in my stomach.
12. On its last legs - to be almost completely broken/useless, usually due to age / 다 죽어가는, 쓰러져 가는, 수명이 다해가는 > 동물이 다쳐서 한 발에만 의존해서 가는 모습을 상상하면 될 것 같다.
ex) We bought our computer in 2006. It is on its last legs.
13. Be nosy - being too curious about what other people are doing / 참견하기 좋아하는, 오지랖이 넓은, 꼬치꼬치 캐묻는 > 어원은... 글쎄 잘 모르겠다.
ex) My next door neighbor is really nosy, he's always trying to look in my window to see what I'm having for dinner.
14. Chew someone's ear off - to just keep talking and talking and talking and talking and talking(chtterbox) / 귀가 닳도록 이야기하다, 귀따갑게 이야기 하다 > '귀에 피나다'같은 재밌는 표현인 것 같다.
ex) The thing is about Gary is that he is always chewing my ear off, he can never keep his mouth shut.
15. Be legless - to be so drunk that you can't really walk properly or even stand up properly / 만취한 > 역시 쉽게 이해 가능한 표현!
ex) Nigel drank, 4 bottles of soju and 6 beers last night, he was completely legless.
16. Get/Start off on the wrong(right) foot - to make a bad first impression / 첫 단추를 잘못(잘) 끼우다.
ex) I got off on the wrong foot with Nigel, because I told him he looked good for his age.
17. Pick someone's brain - to ask someone for more information about something that they might know more about / ~의 머리를 빌리다, 의견,조언을 구하다 > 우리는 머리를 빌리지만, 쟤네는 뇌를 빌린다.
ex) Is it okay if I pick your brain about something? There's a problem at work that I just can't figure out.
18. Get something off your chest - to tell someone about a problem or issue that you've been keeping inside / 고민 등을 털어놓다.
ex) I told Sally that I was angry with her, I just needed to get it off my chest.
19. Like pulling teeth - something that is very difficult, usually used to describe interactions between people / 매우 어려운, 힘든 > 우리가 어렸을 때 유치가 썩어서 실로 묶어서 뽑아야 할 때, 아플까봐 무서워서 뽑지 못했던 때와 같은 느낌을 표현한 표현.
ex) Getting my boss smile is like pulling teeth.
20. Learn by heart - to memorise something / 외우다, 암기하다.
ex) I need to learn all the idioms from today by heart!
몸과 관련된 표현들이라 그런지 우리의 표현과도 유사한 것들이 상당히 많았다. 혹은 없더라도 쉽게 유추가능한 것들도 많았다.
다만 이걸 실제로 입밖으로 내뱉을 수 있을지는 의문이다. 많이 연습해보고 뱉어봐야 실제로도 나오지 않을까 싶다.