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주한영국문화원 어학원 마이클래스(Britishcouncil myClass) 수업 복습 15 / Body Idioms / 210911 Theme : Body Idioms Teacher : Alexander Ames Date : Sat, 210911, 16:00 Kor 1. Keep one's head above water - to earn just enough to survive(pay your bills, rent etc.) / 그럭저럭 버티다, 근근히 살아가다 > 바닷가에서 얼굴만 둥둥 떠있는 모습을 생각하면 의미를 기억하기 쉬울 듯 싶다. ex) I had to take on an extra job just to keep my head above water. 2. Look down one's nose at somebody - to not respect someone, to think someone is below / beneath.. 2021. 10. 7.
주한영국문화원 어학원 마이클래스(Britishcouncil myClass) 수업 복습 12 / Can I give you some advice? / 210824 Theme : Can I give you some advice? - Advice and opinion Teacher : Sin Lau Date : Tue, 210824, 12:45 EJR Tell sby off / ~를 야단치다 ex) Who do you tell off everyday? 누구한테 맨날 잔소리해? Lay sby off / ~를 해고하다 > 회사 사정이 나빠져서 해고하(짤리)는 뉘앙스고, Fire sby는 누군가가 잘못해서 해고하(짤리)는 뉘앙스 차이. ex) I got laid off. 나 해고당했어. Skive (off) / 무단결석하다, 땡땡이치다 ex) He never comes to lectures on Friday, he always skive off. Cheat on A (wi.. 2021. 10. 1.
주한영국문화원 어학원 마이클래스(Britishcouncil myClass) 수업 복습 11 / Idioms at Work / 210821 Theme : Idioms at Work Teacher : Alexander Ames Date : Sat, 210821, 16:00 Kor 1. Cut corners - to do something easily and quickly, usually with negative results / (일을 쉽게 하려고) 절차[원칙 등]를 무시[생략]하다 ex) The company try to cut so many corners and they ended up in trouble with the tax man. 2. To not be rocket science - something that is not complicated or difficult to understand / 로켓을 만들기 위한 그런 높은 수준의 .. 2021. 9. 29.