Theme : Expressing dissatisfaction at work
Teacher : Sin Lau
Date : Tue, 210928, 12:45 EJR
Get beyond a joke / 심각해지다.
ex) It's all getting beyond a joke.
Fed up with / 지긋지긋하다 > feed up이 ~에게 무언가를 먹여서 살을 찌우다는 표현이다. 살을 찌울만큼 무언가를 먹으면 질리기 때문에 여기서 수동형으로 사용해서 지긋지긋하다라는 표현이 나오게 된다.
ex) I'm getting pretty fed up with it.
Wear out - tire or damage / 닳다, 낡다, 지치게 하다.
ex) What do you do when you feel worn out? How do you relax?
Get away with - do something wrong and have no punishment / (위기를) 모면하다, 잘 빠져나가다.
ex) If you saw someone do something wrong at work, would you report them or would you let them get away with it?
Put up with - continue doing ,complete / 참다, 견디다.
ex) The things we have to put up with - it's crazy.
Get on with (1) - like, have a good relationship / ~와 잘 지내다 > get along with 의 영국식 표현.
ex) Do you get on with your work colleagues / your neighbours?
Get on with (2) - live with, accept / 살다, 받아들이다, 해나가다.
ex) Our workload goes up and up, hours get longer and longer and we're just supposed to get on with it.
Take over - become the leader / in control / 일 등을 넘겨받다, 인수하다, 책임자가 되다.
ex) Things have been going downhill since the new boss took over.
Take on - hire, employ / 고용하다, 떠맡다.
ex) The managers always seem to be taken on from outside, never promoted from within.
Let down - disappoint / ~를 실망시키다.
ex) Has anybody ever promised to do something but let you down?
Bring up - mention, talk about / (주제, 화제를) 제기하다, 꺼내다.
ex) We need to bring this up at the next staff meeting.
Hand in - deliver, give to / ~을 건네주다, 제출하다
ex) I've got to hand in the Johnson contract by 5.
Catch up (on) - reach the correct point after a delay / ~밀린 것을 따라잡다
ex) I need to catch up on my emails.
진짜 한번 머리속에 기억이 안되는 Phrasal Verb는 매번 볼 때마다 기억에 안남는다. 아무래도 그 표현이 사용되는 상황과 함께 기억을 해야 기억이 오래갈텐데, 매번 텍스트로만 이렇게 보고 넘어가니깐 어려운 건 어쩔 수가 없다. Take over 와 Take on 같은 경우는 두 표현 다 비슷한 의미를 가지고 있어서, 다음번에 보면 또 헷갈릴 것 같다.